About Us

Our Story
When Jesus was on this earth over 2000 years ago He spoke often about “the Kingdom of God.” He told the people to “seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and He will give everything you need.” (Matthew 6:33). After He had died and suffered he appeared several times to the apostles and each time talked about “the Kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3). Paul spoke of some co-worker Jewish believers who were working with him for “the Kingdom of God”. As a believer in Jesus Christ we are still called to be working for the Kingdom of God. Each of us has a role to play in unity with each other. Kingdom Building is designed to serve alongside leaders, businesses and non-profit organizations who desire to advance and maximize their potential for the Kingdom of God.

About Stephen Foster
Coaching, consulting and developing people/organizations into all that God desires them to be has been Steve’s passion for many years. He believes very strongly in having mentors and mentoring others. This has been demonstrated as he served with camps, churches, and businesses.
He has worked in almost every position in camp ministry from working as dishwasher through to being Chairman of the board as well as sitting on a provincial camping association board. He has served in camps in several provinces as well as in Russia.
Steve has over 30 year of experience serving on non-profit boards both large and small. He provides leadership and ideas to make boards run both efficiently and effectively. He understands governance models and the progression of organizations as they grow.
His coaching and consulting of start up businesses or problem solving in business so they can grow comes from his experience of starting several businesses himself. He brings solutions to the table from a variety of industries that may not have been thought about.
Steve not only has a pastor's heart, especially for leaders, he has also ministered as associate pastor of a church for 11 years. He then went on to be a mission consultant for 80 churches and 45 missionaries. He has provided leadership to several Short-term mission trips as well. If you desire to advance and maximize your potential as a leader, business, or non-profit organization, contact Stephen Foster and explore the possibilities!